・当社CEO Arnd Franz は「今回リリースする製品は、開発およびテストは完了しており、量産の準備ができている」と言及
・MAHLEグループは「On- and off-highway(車両および建設機械等の汎用駆動車)」の両分野で、世界中の120に及ぶ商用車メーカーに供給
・MAHLEは 今年のIAA Transportationで、気候に中立な大型車輸送用のコンポーネントとシステムを紹介予定
テクノロジーの多様性は、世界の運輸・商用車部門の急速な脱炭素化の鍵となります。 「今日の商用車の用途や要件が多面的であるように、持続可能なドライブシステムの技術的ソリューションは、同様に多様になるでしょう」と、MAHLEの会長兼CEOであるArnd Franzはシュトゥットガルトでのテクノロジーイベントで述べています。 MAHLEは、バッテリーエレクトリックドライブ、水素エンジン、燃料電池、再生可能燃料の使用に関するコンポーネントと高度なシステム専門知識を幅広く提供し、将来の気候に優しい輸送を積極的に作り出します。 MAHLE製品は、現在販売されているすべての電動トラックのコンポーネントで広く活用されています。 また、MAHLEは現在の主要な水素エンジンプロジェクトや燃料電池自動車の開発プロジェクトに参画しており、On- and off-highway(車両および建設機械等の汎用駆動車)両分野にて、世界中の120に及ぶ商用車メーカーに供給しています。
商用車事業は、同社のOEM事業の約5分の1を占めており、トレンドは上昇しています。 9月に開催される国際商用車見本市IAA Transportationにて、当社は燃料電池トラックに対する体系的なアプローチ(燃料電池周辺機器、熱マネジメント、2つのSCT電動モーターを内蔵した電動アクセルなど)を紹介します。他の世界初公開製品には、新しい蒸発冷却システムと、燃料電池と電気自動車に使用されるバイオニックファンが含まれています。 「今回発表した製品は、開発およびテストは完了し、量産の準備ができています」とFranzは述べています。 IAA Transportationは、9月17日から22日、ドイツのハノーファーで開催されます。
Commercial vehicles are the backbone of the global economy. 80% of overland transport is carried out by commercial vehicles. Each individual truck has an average annual mileage of 150,000 km to keep the flow of goods in the economy flowing. The need for transport will continue to grow. “Without the contribution of the transportation sector, there will be no rapid decarbonization in transport,” emphasized Arnd Franz. The industry must strike a balance between necessary climate protection, global market developments and customer requirements for reliable and affordable transport.
According to forecasts, purely electric trucks with batteries and fuel cell trucks will account for around 30 percent of global production by 2035. This means that the internal combustion engine will remain an essential drive system around the world for the foreseeable future. Battery-electric drive systems will mainly be used in the medium-duty truck segment and in the heavy-duty truck segment on short-haul routes. Fuel cells and combustion engines, powered by either hydrogen or other renewable fuels, capitalize on their advantages on the long haul. MAHLE therefore stands for technological diversity and, with its three strategic fields of electrification, thermal management, and highly efficient sustainable combustion engines, develops the best solutions for every use case worldwide. In this way, the company enables the reduction of the carbon footprint of road freight transport.
The MAHLE SCT electric motor (Superior Continuous Torque) is the endurance champion among electric motors. Its high continuous power and efficiency make it the ideal electric drive for heavy-duty traffic in all-electric trucks and in fuel cell applications. At the IAA Transportation, MAHLE will show a heavy-duty e-axle for the first time, in which two SCT electric motors with a total output of 520 kW as well as the complete liquid management are compactly integrated, demonstrating its systems expertise and the suitability for series production of its innovations.
Together with a fully functional fuel cell, the e-axle, battery cooling and fuel cell peripherals from MAHLE form a technology exhibit. “This demonstrates how we can integrate our technologies, including thermal management, into electric vehicles and thus develop and optimize a wide range of options for different customer applications,” said Dr. Marco Warth, Vice President Corporate Research and Advanced Engineering at MAHLE.
The conversion of hydrogen into electricity in the fuel cell places high technical demands on the vehicle—particularly with regards to thermal management. MAHLE plays a leading role in this field of technology. Also part of the technological exhibit is the evaporative cooling device, presented as a world first at the IAA. This technology ensures the optimal temperature for fuel cells and offers up to 50 kW more cooling capacity in a given installation space. This enables a reduction of the required fan performance and reduces hydrogen consumption by up to 1.5 percent.
At the moment, hydrogen is the renewable fuel with the greatest potential to decarbonize the transportation sector. Several hydrogen engines are currently being tested at MAHLE. This year, DEUTZ, another engine manufacturer using MAHLE components, will enter series production. This flagship project will first focus upon stationary engines before expanding to mobile, off-highway applications. “We are very confident that serially-produced hydrogen engines will enter widespread use as early as this decade,” said Arnd Franz.
But even the most modern and sustainable truck is useless without the right infrastructure. “We welcome the fact that the EU has set targets for the expansion of charging and refueling facilities. Still, increased efforts in this sector will be needed to serve a broad fleet of zero-emission vehicles,” Franz said. “The member states are now called upon – and we hope that they will go beyond the minimum and accelerate expansion efforts. This will ensure that industry – and, especially, the transport industry – receive the planning security they need.”
Franz reiterated that, for users to invest in emission-free vehicles, it must make sense economically. Legislators, then, should create a framework which allows the market to build climate-neutral drives. In lieu of overly-pedantic requirements and technological regulations, renewable energy sources should be promoted with market-based instruments, said the CEO. This could be achieved by, for example, taking the effect upon the climate into consideration when levying taxes, tolls or other payments.
Arnd Franz cited synthetic fuels – or biofuels, until synthetic fuels are more widely available – as energy sources which should not be underestimated. These fuels could make an additional contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions in the transportation sector. Some regions, such as South America or India, are already focusing fully on biofuels. MAHLE also utilizes them wherever possible. For example, in Germany, the company uses the environmentally friendly HVO 100 fuel in its shuttle traffic between the central warehouse in Freiberg am Neckar and its two plants in Vaihingen an der Enz and Mühlacker, saving up to 90 percent carbon in the process. In addition, the Group has converted the approximately 70 diesel vehicles in its fleet in Stuttgart to HVO 100 – reducing annual carbon emissions by up to 250 tons.
Note: The press release and images are available in the MAHLE newsroom:
https://newsroom.mahle.com/press/en/.Image copyright: MAHLE
Image copyright: MAHLE
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IAAでは、MAHLEは燃料電池トラックに対する体系的なアプローチをご紹介します。燃料電池周辺機器、熱管理、そして2つのSCT電動モーターを内蔵したEアクスルを初公開します。 | IAAでは、MAHLEはE-Axleを展示します。このE-Axleには、合計520 kWのピーク出力と480 kWの連続出力を持つ2つのMAHLE SCT電動モーターおよび、関連するオイル管理が統合されています。 | MAHLE SCT (超連続トルク)電動モーターは、その高い連続出力により、全電動トラックおよび燃料電池アプリケーションの大型車両のトラフィックに最適なエレクトリックドライブです。 |
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新しい蒸発冷却装置により、燃料電池の最適な温度制御を実現します。 従来以上の冷却能力を提供すると同時に、水素消費量を削減します。 | IAAでは、MAHLEは、高性能燃料電池および電気自動車用に新しく開発されたバイオニックファンをご紹介します。 | POWERCELLユニットは、水素エンジンのオイル消費量を削減し、堅牢でトラブルのない運転を保証します。 |
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Arnd Franz, Chairman of the MAHLE Management Board and CEO | Dr. Marco Warth, Head of MAHLE Corporate Research and Advanced Engineering |
MAHLEは、今日のグローバルな自動車業界において、乗用車と商用車の両分野における主要な開発パートナーおよびサプライヤーです。 1920年に設立されたMAHLEグループは、電動化と熱管理の戦略的分野に焦点を当て、将来の‘Climate Neutral’なモビリティの実現に取り組んでいます。また、燃料電池や、水素などの再生可能な燃料で稼働するクリーンな燃焼エンジンなど、炭素排出量をさらに高効率に削減するための技術にも焦点を当てています。
現在、世界中の2台に1台がMAHLEコンポーネントを搭載しています。MAHLEは、2023年に約13億ユーロの売上を計上しました。 72,000名以上の従業員を148の生産拠点や11のテクノロジーセンターに配置し、29か国に拠点を置いています。
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